Monday, April 1, 2013


Snow...freezing rain...cold hours...not enough free partner doesn't understand me....I don't have enough money...

The list of things that we can find to worry us, or complain about is endless.  We devote much of our efforts (and money) to "trying to let go of stress" and "dealing with stress in a healthy way."  Perhaps this is a symptom of the culture we live in. and certainly, living in our reality in a healthy way is something to strive for.

But I think we need to devote some time to celebrate and to practice joyful awareness in all of the things in our lives that ARE going well, and do work for us.  One doesn't need to win the lottery to find joy - it's available to each and everyone of us regardless of our circumstances.   Sitting in the the sun and feeling the warmth on our face, a cool drink of water after strenuous exercise, or a practice of counting our blessings will all bring to awareness that there is joy to be experienced in our lives.

To further experience joy, I encourage everyone to CELEBRATE!  The practice of celebration is like putting an exclamation point on the awareness of joy.  Celebration may be a special treat or reward of some kind, allowing oneself the time and space to do pleasurable activities (read, take a bath, watch a movie, go for a walk) and it is even magnified when we can share it with a friend or someone special.

So today, I hope that everyone who reads this, will take some time to celebrate the joy in their life.  Who knows?   If we spend more time celebrating, maybe we'll spend less time worrying or all stressed out.....

Celebrate good times, Come on!  ~~~  Kool and the Gang

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